1. The difference between the files is 1. RAW files are slightly bigger than JPEG files, 2. RAW files have higher quality, 3. You need to convert a RAW file into a JPEG because the RAW file holds all the original, unedited images, and 4. Since JPEG images are already edited and processed, they can be transferred quickly from the camera.
  2. RAW files are bigger than JPEG because they contain a larger amount of image data compared to a JPEG.
  3. By changing the output format to JPEG from a RAW file.
  4. I would shoot the image RAW and then change it to a JPEG after I have edited and made the changes I needed to make, so that it’s easier for me to export the image and so I can keep all the original details before editing.

Tips for photography

20 tips-

  1. Lighting is everything- This tip is important because your lighting can make a dramatic change in your photos and can really affect how they look.
  2. It’s all in the details- The details make up your entire photo, so if you were to have a blurry image it can look either good or bad depending on what you’re going for.
  3. Eyes are the prize- I think that eyes are the window to the soul, so if you were to take an image of just someone’s eyes, you’d still have the ability to take a dramatic photo due to the emotion one’s eyes can show.
  4. Experiment and play- I think it’s important to step out of your comfort zone every once in a while, and experiment with different styles because you never know what you might end up liking.
  5. Learn by adjusting- It takes time to be able to take good photos, so by taking photos and ending up with some good and some bad, you’re able to adjust and focus more on what makes your images good.
  6. Live- Just because you make a mistake doesn’t mean you have to be hard on yourself, you’re not born a professional.
  7. Edit for reality, and for how you felt.- By putting your own emotions into pictures, you can capture a lot of emotion into what your image is, which captures the attention of people.
  8. Shoot first, buy stuff later- Photography requires a lot of trial and error, don’t hold yourself to high expectations and expect to be perfect at something, so go and take pictures and look later to see what important element your missing.
  9. You are the average of what you look at- It’s important to not limit your inspiration source.
  10. It’s hard to be interesting- It’s important to not be afraid to do something wild for a picture, it keeps them unique.
  11. How are you leading your viewer- The position at what you angle/ have your camera at is very important to your photos because it can change them drastically.
  12. Zen and the art of aperture, shutter speed and ISO-The more you understand how to work the aperture, shutter speed and ISO, the better your photos come out and quicker you can better your skills.
  13. You’re in RAW, right?- Giving yourself more flexibility when taking images allows you to experiment more.
  14. Be someone else for a while- Try out different photo styles from someone else because you never know if you like it or not.
  15. Read the manual- It’s important to get familiar with the equipment and materials you’re using because it can make your photo taking process go by easier.
  16. Sometimes auto is exactly what you need- There are certain situations that won’t require you to do all the hard work of learning about your equipment and having to do everything on your own.
  17. Shoot like a pro, think like a student- It’s good to be curious and always wanting to learn new things because it can help improve your skills.
  18. Establish your own composition rules- Do what works best for you, if you do what you like then you can add a more personal touch to your images.
  19. No matter how pro you get, it’s still a passion play- It’s important to keep your passion alive, it keeps you motivated.
  20. Your profile is your portfolio- By making a public profile you can not only share your creativity, but you can be inspired by others and learn new styles.

Camera modes

Aperture- The opening in the camera lens that determines how much light enters the camera.

Shutter speed- This determines the amount of time that light can enter the camera. It also determines how movement is recorded in a camera.

ISO- This determines how sensitive a camera is to light. Lower ISO is for outdoors on a sunny day and higher ISO is for indoors.

Auto mode- With this mode, the camera makes all the exposure decisions for you.

Portrait mode- The camera optimizes your settings for when you take pictures of people. It selects color settings, chooses a shallow depth of field, fast shutter speed, and makes sure your subject isn’t blurry.

Landscape mode- The camera records vivid colors, sets a small aperture for maximum depth of field to capture full scenery, and the shutter speed will be slow so a tripod would be necessary.

Sports mode- A faster shutter speed will be used to freeze the motion of moving subjects, ISO may be raised, wider aperture, and flash will not fire.

Night Portrait mode- A slower shutter speed will activate, higher ISO, and the cameras flash might activate to illuminate the subject.

Close-up mode- This is used when a subject is really close to the camera. Smaller aperture will be used, the camera will also attempt to focus on the nearest object, and a slower shutter speed will be used.

Advanced modes- This will grant you more control over exposure and you’ll be able to choose picture styles, white balance, and other settings.

Program mode- This will select the ISO, aperture, and shutter speed, although it sounds similar, it’s still different from auto mode as you have the ability to change the exposure and shutter speed.

Aperture priority mode- This setting lets you choose the aperture, but the camera will set an appropriate shutter speed.

Shutter priority mode- You will be able to choose the shutter speed, but the camera will set the aperture.

Manual mode- On this mode, you have the ability to set the ISO, aperture and shutter speed.

Framing a subject

55mm, f/3.5, 20mm, 1/15, f/11, ISO 500, Manual

I don’t think my composition is as good as it should be, but I think it’s decent enough for what I can do. I think I edited my photos as best as I could without messing them up or messing up the quality. If I shot this assignment again, I think I’d work more on my framing and try to do better on getting everything in frame how I like it and making sure things are a little more symmetrical. I think my photos are good, but certainly not good enough to be on the home page because there are still some things I can work on and fix to make better.

Collage: All About Me

My collage represents me well because it has elements of things that I like. It represents me because it shows a bit of my personality, and it brings together a visual representation of my personality. It goes from representing how I like reading to a bit of the type of music I like. And also, it lets me have the freedom to express myself through pictures. And most of the colors I used are colors I like.

The reason I used the corpse bride poster image and the movie DVD’s is to show some of the types of movies I enjoy watching and the types of movie genres I like. I used images of a butterfly and cat to try to show what kinds of animals and insects (like butterflies and moths, not spiders or anything similar to that), anything visually pleasing. I used a picture of a CD for an artist and an actual image of an artist because it’s artists I enjoy listening to a lot and I thought that was something important to put on a collage, especially when it’s about things that I like. I also put images of one of my favorite drinks (tea) and my favorite flowers (tulips) because I always think of those when I think of something I like. To me the two most important things on my collage that really show what I like would be the background which is an old page type of background and the images of books because I’ve liked reading ever since I was little which is a thing that a lot of people, that know me, know.


42.mm, 1/60, f/5.0, ISO 3200, Manual, 55mm

Green, bright eyes, sharp, vibrant, contrast, unique, captivating, dramatic, pretty, dark background, stunning, stark, stoic, smooth, dramatic, artistic, elegant, harmonious, balanced colors, appealing, good lighting, well put together, picturesque, professional, captivating, tone, powerful, attention to detail, focus


Salvador Dali

I think that the artist is trying to create a dreamlike painting because all his paintings give the feeling of a fever dream with how bizarre and vivid they are which isn’t necessarily a bad thing because it adds a sort of personal signature with the way he goes about making them. I think he’s trying to create a sense of distortion and that he’s also trying to use the unconscious and subconscious mind as inspiration because for the unconscious mind, your dreams are mostly bizarre and odd, things you would usually think about. For the subconscious mind, he could be using maladaptive daydreaming as inspiration because people who maladaptive daydream usually daydream very vividly and abnormal things that seem real most of the time. I think it’s interesting how although everything looks realistic it’s not necessarily realistic because instrument don’t make up animal body parts and the sky seems to be morphed into swirls. I like how he puts normal looking animals (the white flamingos) with the abnormal animals because it keeps a sense of normalcy in the image.

Delayla Delatorre Per. 6

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