All posts by ocean

Shoot like Aaron Siskind

I think his work really embodies the art of abstract because even though it’s images of random object put together, it still makes sense and doesn’t look random. I’m also a fan of monochromatic photography so I really like his pictures. He takes monochromatic abstract photos and they’re all up-close to show the texture and detail in the objects he takes images of.

Your favorite teacher

I had Ms. Pulido back in sophomore year and she’s my favorite teacher because she was always nice and not strict like my other teachers. She always let me go into her class during her prep period when she was there and sometimes let me leave my stuff there when I couldn’t carry it around. And she was one of the only teachers I had that I could always go to for help whether it was school related or personal. She also never judged me or made me feel dumb like other teachers did. She was the one teacher I could go to for help without feeling embarrassed.

Flash worksheet

  1. We use flash when it’s too dark and we want to make nice soft light.
  2. No, we don’t need to
  3. When we sync the flash to the camera, hot shoe
  4. Through the lens metering
  5. Half the frame of the camera would be dark
  6. To get softer light instead of using direct light
  7. Something that’s on the flash that syncs into other ones, so they all go off together
  8. Make the aperture bigger if the picture is too dark and make the aperture smaller if the picture is too bright

Read and write: Introduction to using strobes (10 things I learned)

  1. I learned that there are different light sources. A flash head and a monolight.
  2. I learned that a flash head has tubes that emit lights when it’s supplied with high voltages.
  3. I learned that umbrellas and soft boxes are light modifiers that make light softer.
  4. The umbrellas that are used can either be silver-lines, gold-lines, or white-lined and they are all reflective, so the light bounces off of them onto the subject but softer than direct light.
  5. There are two types of light stands: lightweight stand and c-stands
  6. other light modifies are barn doors, snoots, and honeycomb grids.
  7. The barn doors, snoots, and honeycomb grids connect directly to your strobe head.
  8. The difference between the reflecting umbrellas and soft boxes is that the light with a soft box is more contained because the reflected light off the umbrellas can go beyond the barrier created by the umbrella.
  9. C-stands are heavy duty and stable which makes them expensive more expensive than a lightweight as you can get those for around $70.
  10. You can rent lighting equipment to use as most lighting equipment is expensive.


I want to travel here because of the beaches and because of how aesthetically pleasing it is. I’ve also always wanted to go for the cultural experience and to try new things.

Studio portraits of strobes + gels

Judging by her neutral expression, she might be a reserved person because she might not want to do any pose other than a straight face. The lighting is dramatic and moody, making her face the main subject and her hair being up adds to the dramatice energy of the photo as it emphasizes her neutral expression. The light being focused on only her face and not the background makes her the main focus and highlights her features.

50 photos

differences and similarities between lightroom and photoshop-

differences: they’re formatted differently, they both don’t have the same amount of editing software as each other, and lightroom is better for organizing pictures and photoshop is better for editing images.

similarities: they’re both editing apps, they both have the same file formats, and they both have a various amount of photo filters

Painting with light

I really like how the photographer used different colors of lights, and I like how they had the lights wrap around the subject. I think what they did with the lights and making that shape, that almost resembles a flower, is really beautiful and a good use of the lights instead of making something simple. I also like how the setting is on a road, somewhere out in the open instead of inside a studio with a simple color background.


I like how the photographer made the three different parts of the triptych all about the same flower and kept it simple with the layout as to not take attention away from the subject. I also like that the background is a simple color instead of something complex because the flower is already a vibrant color, so making the background a bright color would’ve been an eyesore. I also like how sharp the subject is and how up close the camera is to the subject because it shows all the details on the flowers. One thing I would change about this if I were the photographer is I would’ve taken out the two front flowers in the middle image because it looks confusing and crowded with all those flowers.

AI in photography: Read + write


In this article, the author goes into detail about the impact of artificial intelligence on photography and how some photographers incorporate AI into their photos. It also introduces different types of AI, different than the usual AI that most people are familiar with. It says how AI can be used to adjusting photos that have been taken, like editing softwares that are used to adjust lighting or small details in an image. Most people are familiar with the AI you use to write or to make fake images, but in photography when using those, it’s mostly used for inspiration or to fix a photo. Like ChatGPT is used for inspiration or to ask questions and enhancement AI can be used to edit a photo if needed. Another thing that is included in the article is other ways photographers can apply AI into their images. Photographers can use AI to create mood boards which is creating a visual of what they plan on taking images of. They also use it to create the models look, like asking questions to suggest what their hair or outfit should look like.

My Opinion:

I think AI can be very useful when it comes to taking photos, although some people would take it as a form of cheating because your images won’t seem original if you incorporate AI, but if you utilize the tool correctly, you can make it work really well. I think since most people think AI is just creating fake images, that’s where most of their judgment comes from. Since using AI can help enhance certain details in your images and help fix any mistakes, it can be very useful and can help your photos look better. It also helps speedup the process which I think can be very beneficial in photography. AI isn’t just making false images, which is why I think, if used correctly, can make a big difference in your photos.