AI in photography: Read + write


In this article, the author goes into detail about the impact of artificial intelligence on photography and how some photographers incorporate AI into their photos. It also introduces different types of AI, different than the usual AI that most people are familiar with. It says how AI can be used to adjusting photos that have been taken, like editing softwares that are used to adjust lighting or small details in an image. Most people are familiar with the AI you use to write or to make fake images, but in photography when using those, it’s mostly used for inspiration or to fix a photo. Like ChatGPT is used for inspiration or to ask questions and enhancement AI can be used to edit a photo if needed. Another thing that is included in the article is other ways photographers can apply AI into their images. Photographers can use AI to create mood boards which is creating a visual of what they plan on taking images of. They also use it to create the models look, like asking questions to suggest what their hair or outfit should look like.

My Opinion:

I think AI can be very useful when it comes to taking photos, although some people would take it as a form of cheating because your images won’t seem original if you incorporate AI, but if you utilize the tool correctly, you can make it work really well. I think since most people think AI is just creating fake images, that’s where most of their judgment comes from. Since using AI can help enhance certain details in your images and help fix any mistakes, it can be very useful and can help your photos look better. It also helps speedup the process which I think can be very beneficial in photography. AI isn’t just making false images, which is why I think, if used correctly, can make a big difference in your photos.

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